Solving old problems with new technology.
Solving old problems with new technology.
Renters & Landlords Love LeaseTrack.
We began to realize the significant benefit to both renters and landlords alike when renters insurance was maintained.
We also realized how difficult it was for landlords to track and manage renters insurance policies for hundreds of thousands of residents.
LeaseTrack was designed to solve this problem. Our software seamlessly integrates with your resident management software and allows property managers to monitor resident’s insurance compliance at a glance with monthly updates and valuable data points.
LeaseTrack has already partnered with some of the largest single- and multi-family owners and operators in the country to alleviate the risk of non-compliant residents.

It all started with a spark.
Eric Narcisco lost everything in an apartment fire shortly after college. That experience was the catalyst for the creation of Effective Coverage, an insurance provider built to deliver the ultimate customer experience to renters.
Without a place to live and with all of his possessions gone, Eric questioned his landlord’s decision to not require renters insurance and vowed to educate both tenants and landlords alike on the importance of insurance. Since then, we have brought the security that insurance provides to over 1,000,000 people in the United States.